Wiz-War: Malefic Curses

Wiz-War: Malefic Curses

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  • Ett spel från Fantasy Flight Games
  • Det här är en expansion som fordrar att du har grundspelet
  • Spelregler på: engelska


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Bring a fifth player and several new schools of magic into your game of Wiz-War.

Malefic Curses is the first expansion for Wiz-War, which adds a fifth player to the battle, including a new sector board and some new portals.

New schools of magic enter as well, allowing players to tap the fearful powers of Hexcraft, Necromancy and Chaos magics.

Hexcraft is a trapping magic, which can be inscribed in the maze.

Necromancy offers death-dealing threats Chaos is extremely powerful but fickle and ...well.. chaotic and hard to control.